

日期:2024-03-09 18:04:52    标签:  

1. 求鸡尾酒英语介绍

悬浮式威士忌 WHISKY FLOAT 材料 威士忌-------------45ml 矿泉水-------------适量 用具 平底杯一只 做法: 1.将冰块放入杯中倒入矿泉水 2.慢慢在上面浮一层威士忌 这是一种由矿泉水及威士忌构成的二层式鸡尾酒,看起来非常漂亮。

它利用水与威士忌间的比重差,将威士忌悬浮在矿泉水上面。日本是以度数和%来表示酒的酒精浓度,但是美国与英国则是使用Proof,美国100%的酒精以200 Proof来表示。

80Proof等于日本的40度。英国100%的酒精以175Proof来表示,其70Proof相当于美国的80Proof,也 就是日本的40度。

热威士忌托地 HOT WHISKY TODDY 材料 威士忌---------------45ml 热开水---------------适量 柠檬片---------------1片 方糖-----------------1粒 用具 平底杯、搅拌长匙、吸管 做法: 1.把方糖放入温热的平底杯中,倒入少量热开水让它溶化 。 2.倒入威士忌,加点热开水轻轻搅匀。

3.用柠檬做装饰,最后附上吸管。 在喜爱的烈酒里加入少许方糖等甜味材料,以开水或热开水冲淡,这种类型的鸡尾酒我们称之为托地。


薄荷茱莉普 MINT JULEP 材料 威士忌-------------60ml 矿泉水-------------30ml 薄荷叶--------------3片 砂糖---------------2茶匙 用具 高脚玻璃杯、搅拌长匙、吸管 做法: 1.把威士忌以外的材料倒入杯中。 2.一面压碎薄荷叶一面溶解纱糖之后再倒入威士忌。

3.用薄荷做装饰,最后附上吸管。 薄荷的刺激香味能增添威士忌的味道,让这种鸡尾酒喝起来倍觉清凉,是一种消除口中苦味的甘甜饮料,它诞生在美国南方,属于夏季饮用的鸡尾酒。


教父 GODFATHER 材料 威士忌---------------------3/4 安摩拉多(Amaretto)---1/4 用具 岩石杯.搅拌长匙 做法: 把冰块放入杯中倒入材料轻搅即可 安摩拉多酒味甜,散发出一般芳香的杏仁味道,配上浓厚的威士忌酒香,就是美味可口的教父。威士忌的英语拼音为Whisky,爱尔兰威士忌及美国威士忌却拼成Whiskey。

这是商场上的习惯,当你看到商标上的拼音时别误以为是 印错了。 一杆进洞 HOLE IN ONE 材料 威士忌------------2/3 辛辣苦艾酒------1/3 柠檬汁--------2微量 柳橙汁--------1微量 用具 调酒壶.鸡尾酒杯 做法: 将冰块和材料依序倒入调酒壶内,摇匀倒入杯中即可。


它的口味比辛辣曼哈顿还复杂些。 现在我们能品尝冰冷可口的鸡尾酒,完全都要感谢德国的卡尔·福·林德这个人。

1872年,他发明史上第一台制冰机,让我们一年四季都有冰块能用。 尼克拉斯加 NIKOLASCHIKA 材料 白兰地---------------1杯 柠檬片---------------1片 糖浆----------------1茶匙 用具 利口杯一只 做法: 1.倒入九分满的白兰地 2.把堆有砂糖的柠檬片放在酒杯上 头一次饮用这种鸡尾酒的人往往不知从何喝起。


马丁尼 MARTINE 材料 辛辣琴酒----------4/5 辛辣苦艾酒--------1/5 橄榄--------------1粒 用具 调酒杯、隔冰器、搅拌长匙、鸡尾酒杯 做法: 1.将冰块和材料倒入调酒杯内,搅匀倒入杯中. 2.用橄榄做装饰. 在所有鸡尾酒中,就数马丁尼的调法最多。人们称它为鸡尾酒中的杰作、鸡尾酒之王。


据说丘吉尔非常喜欢喝超辛辣口味,所以喝这种酒的时候是一边纯饮琴酒,一边看着苦艾酒瓶。 黑色俄罗斯 BLACK RUSSIAN 材料 伏特加---------------40ml 咖啡利口酒-----------20ml 用具 搅拌长匙、岩石杯 做法: 1.将伏特加倒入加有冰块的杯中。

2.倒入利口酒,轻轻搅匀。 这种鸡尾酒的特征是,它所散发出的高雅香气,酒精浓度虽高,但却容易入口。

这种鸡尾酒以产自俄罗斯的伏特加为基酒,加上它的色泽因而得名,而另一种鸡尾酒-俄罗斯,则有别名为红色俄罗斯以示区别。 长岛冰茶 LONG ISLAND ICED TEA 材料 辛辣琴酒-------------15ml 伏特加---------------15ml 无色兰姆酒------------15ml 龙舌兰----------------15ml 无色柑香酒------------10ml 柠檬汁----------------30ml 糖浆------------------1茶匙 可乐------------------40ml 柠檬片----------------1片 用具 搅拌长匙、吸管、大果汁杯 做法: 1.将材料倒入装满细碎冰的杯中搅匀。

2.用柠檬做装饰,最后附上吸管。 虽然取名冰茶,却在没有使用半滴红茶的情况下就调制出 具有红茶色泽与口味的美味鸡尾酒来。

它的酒精成份相当 高,千万别被柑香酒、柠檬汁与可乐的甜味蒙骗了。 奥林匹克 OLYMPIC 材料 白兰地--------------1/3 橙色柑香酒----------1/3 柳橙汁--------------1/3 用具 调酒壶、鸡尾酒杯 做法: 将冰块和材料倒入调酒壶中摇匀即可 这种鸡尾酒诞生在巴黎有名的高级饭店--「丽晶饭。

2. 谁有关于鸡尾酒的英文介绍

A cocktail is a kind of mixed drink. Usually, it is made with alcoholic drinks such as vodka, gin or rum. Since such spirits do not have much taste of their own (at around 40% alcohol), other ingredients are added. Common ingredients are fruits, fruit juice, sugar, crushed ice, and ice cubes. If the cocktail is served in a bar or nightclub, it is often garnished with a piece of fruit, for example, a gin and tonic could be garnished with lemon, a Piña Colada with pineapple and a cherry.

Most cocktails were invented in the late 19th or early 20th centuries. People began drinking a lot of cocktails in the United States in the 1920s due to Prohibition. Around that time, cocktails from Cuba, such as the mojito, became popular around the world.

3. 鸡尾酒的英语是


英语名称:cocktail或flip(silver bullet)



鸡尾酒(Cocktails) 在1776年,Betsy Flanagan发明了美国式的“鸡尾酒”。鸡尾酒起源于1776年纽约州埃尔姆斯福一家用鸡尾羽毛作装饰的酒馆。一天当这家酒馆各种酒都快卖完的时候,一些军官走进来要买酒喝。一位叫贝特西·弗拉纳根的女侍者,便把所有剩酒统统倒在一个大容器里,并随手从一只大公鸡身上拨了一根毛把酒搅匀端出来奉客。军官们看看这酒的成色,品不出是什么酒的味道,就问贝特西,贝特西随口就答:“ 这是鸡尾酒哇!”一位军官听了这个 词,高兴地举杯祝酒,还喊了一声:“ 鸡尾酒万岁!”从此便有了“鸡尾酒”之名。这是在美洲被认可的起源。

4. 求鸡尾酒的名字

鸡尾酒 根据主要成份分类 白兰地(brandy):白兰地亚历山大(Alexander)蛋酒、B&B、侧车(side car)白兰地姜汁(brandy ginger ale)、床地之间 威士忌(whisky):威士忌酸酒(whieky sour)、古典酒(ode-fashioned)、曼哈顿(Manhattan)、百万富翁、纽约、教父 琴酒(gin):新加坡斯令(Singapore sling)红粉佳人(pink lady)、马丁尼(Martini)、琴汤尼(Gin Tonic)、吉普生(Gibson)、青鸟 兰姆酒(rum):黛克瑞(Daiquiri)、迈泰(Mai Tai)、蓝色夏威夷(Blue Hawaii)、一千零一夜、加州宾治 伏特加(vodka):血腥玛丽(bloody Mary)、骡丝起子(screwdriver)、盐狗(salty dog)、黑色俄罗斯、长岛冰茶、飞天蚱蜢 龙舌兰(tequial):玛格丽特(Margarita)、墨西哥日出、红磨坊、西班牙苍蝇、模仿鸟、龙舌兰日出(tequial sunrise) 利口酒(liqueur):绿色蚱蜢、天使之吻、环游世界、金色梦幻、B-52轰炸机、墨西哥牛奶 啤酒日:落大地火、山爆发、吸血鬼 不知道归哪一类:雪莉皮登(Shirley temple)、椰林风情(virgin pina coloda)、纯真玛丽(virrgin Mary) 朗姆酒 X、Y、Z 口味:稍甜 酒精度:31度 材料:浅色朗姆酒1/2、橘橙酒1/4、柠檬汁1/4 制作方法:1)将浅色朗姆酒、橘橙酒、柠檬汁倒入雪克杯中摇和; 2)将摇和好的酒倒入酒杯中。

为什么要这样来命名鸡尾酒?关于这一点,我也不能谈得很清楚。 通常的说法是:认识总是从颜色或ABC开始,我们偏要与此相反。

也就是表示没有比这更高的阶段。 这是一款以橘橙酒和柠檬汁混合为基酒调和的鸡尾酒。

柔和的口味当然受到女性的喜欢,男性中也不乏其人。 当没有橘橙酒时可用白色柑香酒代替。

在使用白色柑香酒调酒时,颜色与鸡尾酒并无关系,最好选用与味道相配的颜色。 自由古巴 口味:稍甜 酒精度:14度 材料:浅色朗姆酒45ML、青柠1/6个量、可乐补足剩余 制作方法:1)将浅色朗姆酒注入坦布勒杯中; 2)将切好后的青柠放入酒杯中; 3)加入冰块,用可乐注满酒杯,最后加入搅拌棒。

注:1 将青柠纵向切为6份,形状为月牙形。 2 也可根据需要加入青柠汁。

备忘:咖啡共分3种,鸡尾酒用咖啡没有特殊的要求,即使使用咖啡粉也无所谓。 此酒所用材料与名字相符,使用了古巴产朗姆酒为基酒。


这里推荐使用古巴主要产地的浅色朗姆酒。 如果没有浅色朗姆酒,可用鲜柠檬代替。

使用榨汁器压榨自己喜好分量的果汁,调和出甜酸味的鸡尾酒饮用。 得其利 口味:稍甜 酒精度:28度 材料:白色朗姆酒2/3、青柠汁1/3、砂糖2茶匙 制作方法:1)将白色朗姆酒、青柠汁、砂糖倒入雪克杯中摇和; 2)将摇和好的酒倒入酒杯中。

注:使用的青柠汁不是指瓶装的青柠汁,而是新鲜的青柠汁。 百家地 口味:适中 酒精度:21度 材料:白色百家地朗姆酒1/2、青柠汁1/4、石榴糖浆1/4 制作方法:1)将百家地朗姆酒、青柠汁、石榴糖浆倒入雪克杯中摇和; 2)将摇和好的酒倒入酒杯中。

别名叫“粉红得其利”。 伏特加 螺丝刀 口味:甜 酒精度:20度 材料:伏特加45ML、橙汁补足剩余、橙片1片 制作方法:1)将伏特加倒入小型的坦布勒杯; 2)加入冰块,用橙汁注满,然后用橙片装饰。




5. 鸡尾酒的英文怎么读、


英 [ˈkɒkteɪl]

美 [ˈkɑ:kteɪl]

n.鸡尾酒; 餐前开胃菜; 混合物

adj.鸡尾酒的; (女服)在半正式场合穿的

复数: cocktails


1. He had very kindly asked me to the cocktail party that evening.



2. Let's meet in the cocktail lounge at the Hilton.



3. On arrival, guests are offered wine or a champagne cocktail.



4. Children and guns are a potentially lethal cocktail.



6. 英语叙述鸡尾酒的种类

The History of the Cocktail The true creation of a popular cocktail can be traced to the nineteenth century. One early written reference to the term "cocktail" (as a drink based on spirits with other spirits and additives) can be found in an American magazine, The Balance, published in May 1806. It stated that a "Cocktail is a stimulating liquor, composed of spirits of any kind, sugar, water, and bitters。

" 1860 to 1920 – California: The Birthplace of the First Cocktails The cocktail's fragmented history begins in the nineteenth century. One of the first modern cocktails to be named and recognized is the martini. It can be traced back to an 1862 recipe for the Martinez. This American recipe consisted of four parts sweet red vermouth to one part gin, garnished with a cherry. "Professor" Jerry Thomas tended the bar of the old Occidental Hotel in San Francisco and reputedly made the drink for a gold miner on his way to the town of Martinez, which lay forty miles to the east. The recipe for the Martinez in Thomas' 1887 bartender's guide called for Old Tom gin, sweet vermouth, a dash of maraschino and bitters, as well as a slice of lemon and two dashes of gum syrup. A modern day dry martini consists of gin and dry white vermouth, garnished with an olive. Obviously, gin has changed a lot since then, when it would have been relatively sweet compared to modern gins. Some even claim the martini was named after the Martini-Henry rifle used by the British army around 1870, as both the rifle and the drink had a strong kick! What we do know is that by 1900, the martini had become known nationwide and had spread to the other side of the Atlantic. This is said by some to be the beginning of the golden age of cocktails. During this time a basic list of cocktails emerged and steadily became more and more popular. 1920 to 1933 - Prohibition in the USA On January 16, 1920, the National Prohibition Act became the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This meant it was illegal to manufacture, sell, transport, import, or export any "intoxicating liquors." Despite this, much of the general public still had ways to gain access to the illegal substance, often through speakeasies and private parties. Gangsters focused on bootlegging and moonshine, making Chicago a center of booze, gambling and prostitution. Al Capone was the most notorious crime boss and the power behind the illegal activities in Chicago during Prohibition. As a gangster and racketeer, Capone became one of the biggest bootleggers of all time. The popularity of cocktails at that time was at least partly due to the need to cover up the bad taste of some of the crudely produced hooch smuggled by the bootleggers. Some of the cocktail recipes used today were invented in the days of Prohibition as cocktail recipes flourished in the illegal bars, parties and clubs of major American cities. 1934 to 1959 – The Margarita is Born This period was one of great innovation. One of the most popular cocktails—the margarita—is said to have originated in 1948. A Dallas socialite named Margarita Sames purportedly hosted a poolside Christmas party at her vacation home in Acapulco, Mexico. The party game for Margarita was to mix drinks behind the bar and let her guests rate the results. When she mixed three parts tequila with one part triple sec and one part lime, it was such a success among her guests that it quickly traveled from Texas to Hollywood and the rest of the country, bearing her name. Legend also says the drink originated in the early 1930s at the Caliente Racetrack Bar in Tijuana, Mexico. There is little evidence, though, for the story of showgirl Marjorie King who had an allergy to most alcoholic drinks and could only drink tequila. In 1938, she asked for a tequila cocktail rather than a shot at the Rancho Del Gloria Bar in Rosarita Beach, Mexico. The bartender, Danny Herrera, poured tequila over shaved ice then added lemon and triple sec. The drink was then named after Marjorie (or at least, the Spanish translation of her name). 1960 to Present – Commercialization and Innovation In the second half of the twentieth century, the cocktail has taken on many guises as its popularity has flourished. Both literature and film have contributed to the images of wealth and class associated with the cocktail hour. With the constant creation of new drinks (with some strange and interesting names), cocktails have become increasingly popular. With drink names such as the Freddy Kruger, pan galactic gargle blaster, Afternoon Delight and Sex on the Beach, it's no wonder cocktails are all the rage.。


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