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时间:2017-08-18 15:56:38 作者:小拳王 来源: 手机阅读

汉英对照太极拳教学口令 太极拳英汉对照

    简化太极拳Simplified Taijiquan
    (作者亲自编写及翻译)——下同  ( Written and  translated by Xue An Ri)
    第一组Group I
    (一)起势(南)  Commencing form(south)见附录图1      1.垂手立正  Stand at attention.
    2.向左开步  Take a step to left side.     3.两手平提Raising arms.
    4.  曲膝下按  Bend knees and pressing down.


  (二)野马分鬃(东)  Part the wild horse's mane( east)见附录图2
  1.丁步右抱T step,hold a ball.
2.转体出步Turn left,  step up.
3.弓步左分Bow step,  part arms.
4.后坐撇脚Sit back,  turn to left.
5.丁步左抱T step,  hold a ball.
6.转体出步Turn right and step up.
7.弓步右分  Bow step and part arms.
8.后坐撇脚Sit back,  turn to right.
9.丁步右抱T step,  hold a ball.
10.转体出步Tum right and step up.
11.弓步左分Bow step and part. arms.






    (三)白鹤亮翅(东)  The white crane spreads its
1.中抱跟步Take a half step and hold a ball.
2.后坐交臂Sit back,  cross arms.
3.虚步亮掌  Empty step,  spread palms.

    第二组Group II
    (四)左右搂膝拗步(东)  Brush knee and twist step
on both sides(east)见附录图4
    1.右落左提  Down right arm and raising left hand.
    2.右转丁步Tum to right,T step.
3.弯肘出步  Step up and bend elbow.
4.搂膝推掌  Brush knee and push forward.
5.后坐撇脚Sit back.
6.左转丁步Turn left,T step.
7.弯肘出步Step up and bend elbow.
8.搂膝推掌  Brush knee and push forward.
9.后坐撇脚Sit back.
10.右转丁步Turn right,T step.
11.弯肘出步Step up and bend elbow.
12.搂膝推掌  Brush knee and push forward.






    (五)手挥琵琶(东)  Hand strums the lute(east)见附录图5

    1.跟前半步A haff-step forward.
    2.右转拖掌Turn right and sit back.
    3.虚步挑掌  Empty step and strums the lute.

    (六)左右倒捲肱(东)  Step back and whirl arms on both sides(east)见附录图6
    1.右后划弧  Turn right and makes a semicircle.
    2.弯肘提膝  Bend elbow and raising knee.
    3.退步推掌  Back step and push forward.
    4.左后划弧  Turn left and makes a semicircle.
    5.弯肘提膝  Bend elbow and raising knee.
    6.退步推掌  Back step and push forward.
    7.右后划弧  Turn right and makes a semicircle.
    8.弯肘提膝  Bend elbow and raising knee.
    9.退步推掌  Back step and push forward.
    10.左后划弧  Turn left and makes a semicircle.
    11.弯肘提膝  Bend elbow and raising knee.
    12.退步推掌  Back step and push forward.



    (七)左揽雀尾(东)  Grasp the bird's tail-left
    1.右后划弧  Turn right and makes a semicircle.
    2.丁步右抱T step,  hold a ball.
    3.左转出步Tum left,  step up.
    4.弓步左棚  Bow step and push out the left forearm.
    5.右抱左拈  Tuming two hands.
    6.后坐右捋Sit back and draw back to right.
    7.弓步前挤  Bow step and press hands forward.    8.后坐,拖掌  Sit back and draw back hands.
    9.弓步前按  Bow step and pushing hands forward.










    (八)右揽雀尾(西)  Grasp the bird's tail-right
    1.后坐扣脚Sit back and tum foot.
    2.右转开掌  Turn right,  spread arms.
    3.丁步左抱T step,  hold a ball.
    4.右转出步Turn right,  step up.
    5.弓步右  Bow step and push out the right arm.
    6.左抱右拈  Turning two hands.
7.后坐左捋Sit back and draw back to left.
8.弓步前挤  Bow step and press hands forw ard.
9.后坐拖掌  Sit back and draw back hands.



